A Few of “My Favorite” Things


I’ve said it a thousand times and it bears repeating again: I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of support, love and prayer that has come my way over the past less-than-a-month since I found out about Lumpy. It’s been a tidal wave of e-mail messages, Facebook messages, G-chats and so much good old-fashioned mail that it feels like Christmas card season all over again. We’ve been hanging the cards on our wall next to a #DownWithLumpy poster and we are up to 26! Literally every day I get a message (or two or three) that I wasn’t expecting and it is such a good feeling to be so loved and to feel so accompanied on this journey.

Since it is the night before I have surgery for the installation of my chemo port and the true battle against Lumpy is about to begin, I wanted to take a moment to call out some of the touching, inspiring, funny, and cool messages I have received. Disclaimer: I love all of the messages I’ve gotten. A lack of inclusion in this rundown doesn’t mean they didn’t mean the world to me.

The most recent example of feeling the love happened tonight. Theresa, my brother and I attended a concert by Gabe Dixon at a sweet little venue called SPACE in Evanston. I’ve seen him perform there all three times that he has been in town (the first of which was almost exactly three years ago and I blogged about it on this very blog!) Needless to say, I am a big fan of his music. If you were at my wedding and received the favor CD, you have probably heard his song “My Favorite.” This became one of “our songs” while Theresa and I were dating, so I thought it would be awesome if he would play it at the concert. I wrote an e-mail to the contact on his website, explaining my diagnosis and that this concert was our last hurrah before the start of treatment, and I was wondering if he could play the song and dedicate it to Theresa. When I didn’t hear back, I was a little disappointed, but figured it had been worth a shot.

Gabe Dixon!Tonight at the concert, Gabe played a couple songs and then talked about how it had been a very romantic evening already, as he had helped someone propose to his girlfriend before the show by playing their song. At this point, my heart started racing a bit, as it seemed like the perfect intro for him to then play our song! Turned out I was right. He actually read the text of most of my e-mail, wished me well, dedicated the song “from Matt to his wife Theresa” and played the heck out of the song. Theresa was stunned. It was perfect. I didn’t get his entire speech on video because I wasn’t expecting it, but you can at least hear the dedication and the song.

But now let’s turn to the personal messages from friends and family. First up is an animated gif greeting that I received from my pun-loving, English-teaching brother wishing me a happy Pullman-ary function test day.

Happy Pullman-ary test day!  Next are a few messages from some former students:
“With your suave mastery of the swag life, there’s no doubt you’ll beat it. You have an army rooting for you!”

“I’ve been seeing all of your health updates on Facebook and I just wanted to say that you are still making some pretty dank blog posts and you are in my thoughts and prayers!! Thank you for keeping us updated on your situation/being a great professor and keep kicking ass!”

“There’s no doubt in my mind you’re going to overcome this, Matt. Expect prayers from me and my family of 8 way back in Texas! To quote Stewart Scott, “Fight like hell and when you’re too tired to fight, let others fight for you!”

“Give Lumpy a Medill F!”

From some of my brothers-in-law:
“I am getting a kick out of the blog, but not all here are equipped to appreciate all the details. Keirstin [my niece] about halfway through part 4, ‘Can you scroll down and see how much longer this is?'”

“It stinks you have cancer, but I think it’s worth it, so I can read your blog about it!”

From friends, family, coworkers and others:
“Know that we are praying! Know that we are STORMING heaven with prayers for your health and strength! Theresa, know that you are in our prayers just as much as Matt is. Where there is a strong man, there is a strong woman behind him, supporting, loving, encouraging, pushing him to keep going, and holding his hand. I know you are perfect for him, and are already doing all of this.”

delorean“An ENT stuck a tube down my nose once. He told me the child to whom he had done the same thing at the appointment before mine had called him a big poopyhead. Praying.

“You got this! (and I cannot wait to hear the bald jokes come in from your brothers!)”

“Sending you love and prayers from the Sunshine State!!! I can run over and get you a blessing from Mickey if need be!!!

“On the upside, we have discovered that you can totally rock a hospital gown. Add it to your repertoire.”

“May there only be blue skies ahead…We know that purple skies would be even more welcome along with angels and St. Peregrine cavorting amid the clouds. And that they will, when you’re through with Lumpy!”

“Fight, and then fight more. But, recognize that you have been so kind to so many people so often that they will naturally wish to help. And be so humble as to let them. I saw my mom do that with her illness and it changed my life. Inspire us all!!!”

“My prayers are with you as you begin your transformation into Iron Man chemo.”

“Now you can get your insurance to buy you that toupee you always wanted!

“Thanks for the info on St. Peregrine. Up until now the only peregrine I was familiar with was Peregrin Took of the Shire.”

“How dare you make cancer funny?!?!”

ellington“Certainly you have racked up enough credit with our Lord and savior to now cash some of it in? 😉 (Just kidding, God!) Anyway, hope you feel the love and that our combined prayers help you through this difficult time!”

“Lumpy’s going to look worse than my Irish did on November 15.”

“White socks with dress shoes? Don’t let Lumpy steal your dignity, Matt.

“You and Anthony Rizzo are kindred spirits now. You will also beat it. Go get ’em, Matt. (And Go Cubs)”

Speaking of the Cubs, a friend of mine who works for the team mailed an awesome care package to my house and gave me a free subscription to Vine Line, the Cubs magazine!

cubs stuff

IMG_0188The best gift of all, however, has been all of your prayers. Today was the final day of the Novena, and so many people have told me that they were praying it with me in mind. Here’s a photo of Theresa’s family praying it together before the dinner celebrating the baptism of my latest niece. As someone who fervently believes in the power of prayer, this has been incredibly humbling and incredibly soothing. I have no doubt that it’s also been incredibly effective. As I am put under for my port installation tomorrow, I am keenly aware of just how green the grass is on my side of the fence. I know that the support of those around me and the endless prayers flying toward Heaven have played a big part in that.

I’m ready for battle. And to quote Gabe Dixon, all will be well.

One thought on “A Few of “My Favorite” Things

  1. Tony Paolelli January 29, 2015 / 6:02 am

    Hey ,Fantastic blog Matt. Good luck today, everything will be good.Text me as to what time. God bless you both. Hi Theresa .See you both soon. My prayers are with you. I love you guys!  WORRY ABOUT NOTHING, PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING, AND THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH SURPASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING WILL GUARD YOUR HEARTS AND YOUR MINDS IN CHRIST JESUS.

    Liked by 1 person

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